Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (PS3)
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd Best Version (PSP)
- Import from Japan
- Language & Manuals: Japanese
- Region code: Region Free, works on any Playstation3
- Updated HD Content, new features, new creatures
- Can transfer PSP save data to ps3
Review for PSP version:
- Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (10/10/10/9, 39 points): This game is all but guaranteed to be the biggest game of the year over in Japan, and between all the interviews, features and strategy pages, this week's issue of Weekly Famitsu devotes something like 100 pages of coverage to it.
"The approachability of the Portable series is known for has been further polished, making this one easy game to get to grips with," one reviewer said about the game. "There are lots of novel features, like the hot spring, and it's more than enough fun even when playing alone. The co-op functionality is just as flawless, too."
"Pretty much every function in the game has been reworked to be easier to use," another added, "letting you progress in the game stresslessly. The game's also packed with tools to help players communicate with each other."
The game missed out on a perfect score, though, and the way Famitsu put it, that's because Monster Hunter just isn't approachable for everybody: "The sheer volume here is staggering, but the complexity of the controls, mixed with the amount of stuff you're required to memorize to play, is still undeniable. Like with previous games in the series, how much you enjoy them depends on whether you can find this system fun or not."